
The license for the Contao demo website is CC-BY-SA-4.0. Please read and respect the terms of use!

The Contao demo is a community driven project. Got some ideas? Found some bugs? Visit the GitHub page and share them with us!

Open Source CMS

Contao is open source soft­ware li­censed un­der the LGPL-3.0.
 The li­cense per­mits the free use of the software even for com­mer­cial pro­jects.

You can track the de­vel­op­ment of Con­tao on GitHub and you are 
wel­come to join in if you want. If you think you have found a se­cu­ri­ty prob­lem in Con­tao, please re­port it re­spon­si­bly ac­cord­ing to our security policy.